
Can Porn Set Us Free?

A speech to the Sydney Writers Festival May 25th 2003 Clive Hamilton1 In Growth Fetish I argue that it has become apparent that the liberation movements of the sixties and seventies – the sexual revolution, the counter-culture, the women’s movement and the civil rights movement – have had some unforeseen and

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An Optimal Population for Australia

An address to a seminar organised by the Economic Society of New South Wales Reserve Bank, Sydney 17th April 2002 Executive Director, The Australia Institute www.tai.org.au Introduction I don’t want to dwell on the economic arguments for population growth and higher levels of immigration because I don’t believe the economics of

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Colonising Space

 After-Dinner Speech to the Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics 7th July 2000, Parliament House, Canberra Clive Hamilton Let me begin by welcoming our international visitors to Australia. I hope you are not having too much difficulty with the language. Australian English − sometimes called Strine −

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Diesel and the Environment

A speech to the Australian Trucking Association conference Brisbane 13th April 2000 Dr Clive Hamilton Executive Director, The Australia Institute Last October the UK’s Meteorological Office released a new report on the expected effects of climate change. Over several decades the rise in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere will

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Hansonism and the politics of spin

A talk to Politics in the Pub Harold Park Hotel, Sydney, Friday September 4th 1998 Clive Hamilton The astounding success of Hansonism is, as much as anything else, a product of the failure of spin. It is the result of the inauthenticity of Australian politics in the 1980s and 90s,

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Cashing In On Koalas

Clive Hamilton Executive Director, The Australia Institute www.tai.org.au In 1997 I participated in a study of the contribution of koalas to the Australian tourism industry. The study was commissioned by the Australian Koala Foundation, which believed that governments and the public, while reasonably well informed about the threats to koalas,

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Twitter Feed:

A truly excellent conversation on @shot_au's podcast today: @DaveMilbo & I were joined by @CliveCHamilton & @DrMyraHamilton discussing their book THE PRIVILEGED FEW on the insidious effects of elite privilege & the way it's perpetuated by private schools.

Fact checking Trump is completely missing the point. He is not a liar, he's a fantasist. He paints a fantastic image for his devoted listeners, which they lap up. You might as well fact check the Brothers Grimm.

Currently reading this excellent book by @CliveCHamilton and @DrMyraHamilton. It is uncomfortable reading about exactly what makes privilege and how it is hard wired into Australian culture, and the role education plays. Required reading I think @JasonClareMP @pruecar @dizdarm

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