
The Privileged Few
Co-authored by Myra Hamilton Male and white privilege are on the decline, yet elite privilege has gone from strength to strength. The privileges enjoyed by the rich and powerful are not only unfair but cause

Living Hot: Surviving and thriving on a heating planet
Co-authored by George Wilkenfeld There has always been a sense of unreality about our climate change predicament. Australia seems to have jumped from the delusions of denial to increasingly implausible ‘solutions,’ bypassing sober assessment of

Provocateur: A life of ideas in action
Clive Hamilton has spent a life asking why. In his unique memoir, Provocateur, he shows us why questioning the status quo matters, how powerful arguments can change the country, and how the life of ideas in

Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World
Written with German sinologist Mareike Ohlberg and published around the world in 2020, Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World, argues that the CCP is determined to mould the world

Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia
Clive’s controversial 2018 book, Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia, almost went unpublished after three publishers pulled out citing fears of reprisals from Beijing. His warning that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in a

Defiant Earth: The Fate of Humans in the Anthropocene
Humans have become so powerful that we have disrupted the functioning of the Earth, bringing on a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. The stable environmental conditions that allowed civilisation to flourish are disappearing. What does

What Do We Want? The Story of Protest in Australia
Over the decades, protestors have been instrumental in driving the great social movements that have defined life in modern Australia. Yet our colourful history of protest has never been told. What Do We Want? The

What if there were a magic bullet to fix our ailing planet? What if it meant seizing control of Earth’s climate? Clive Hamilton investigates the huge risks of reaching for desperate measures to save the

Requiem for a Species
Sometimes facing up to the truth is just too hard. There have been any number of urgent scientific reports in recent years emphasising just how dire the future looks and how little time we have

The Freedom Paradox
A radical reconsideration of the meaning of freedom and morality in the modern world. Why is it so many of us lack contentment, despite all the wealth and freedoms we enjoy? The past two centuries

Silencing Dissent
Silencing Dissent uncovers the tactics used by John Howard and his colleagues to undermine dissenting and independent opinion. The victims are charities, academics, researchers, journalists, judges, public sector organisations, even parliament itself. Deeply disturbing, Silencing

Af-flu-en-za (n). 1. The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses. 2. An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by dogged pursuit of the Australian

Quarterly Essay
This essay throws out a challenge to Australia’s social democratic party, both the true believers and the right-wing machine men. It argues that the Labor Party has served its historical purpose and will wither and

According to the publishers “This is the book that blows the whistle on the politics of global warming in Australia. Why have our political leaders been so slow to act? How have big corporations succeeded

Growth Fetish
At last a coherent new set of ideas for critics of economic rationalism and globalisation. Hamilton argues that an obsession with economic growth lies at the heart of our current political, social and environmental ills
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What seemed morally impossible has happened. So what does a second Trump Administration mean for global heating? Obviously, it will mean U.S. carbon emissions will
Should Peter Singer Be De-Platformed?
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How do we prepare for life on a hot planet?
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‘Neo-nature’ and the new world of the Anthropocene
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