
Barilaro’s ‘brumby bill’ has been a catastrophe for the high country

Sometimes sheer bloody-minded politics overrules hard science. A good example is Deputy Premier John Barilaro’s “brumby bill”, passed by the NSW Parliament three years ago. Scientists had been raising the alarm about the destruction of Kosciuszko National Park caused by the explosion in the feral horse population, but Barilaro’s bill

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China’s security threat to Britain’s energy infrastructure

Clive Hamilton After banning Huawei from Britain’s communications system, investment from China in the country’s energy system poses a greater security risk. It’s often said that investment from China should be treated in the same way as investment from other countries. If only it were true. But China is different

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Time for a ‘China reset,’ before it’s too late

(Published in the National Post (Canada), June 18, 2020) As someone who has studied the influence of China in Canada, it is clear to me that this country needs to put in place defences against the covert, coercive and corrupt influence of the CPC, which has been systematically eroding resistance

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University sacrifices pro-democracy student for China romance

(Published in The Australian, May 6, 2020) A 20-year-old philosophy student campaigning against uni’s links with Chinese Communist Party subject to assault, online hate, death threats. The University of Queensland is going to extraordinary lengths to silence its most effective critic, a 20-year-old philosophy student who has campaigned against the

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Twitter Feed:

A truly excellent conversation on @shot_au's podcast today: @DaveMilbo & I were joined by @CliveCHamilton & @DrMyraHamilton discussing their book THE PRIVILEGED FEW on the insidious effects of elite privilege & the way it's perpetuated by private schools.

Fact checking Trump is completely missing the point. He is not a liar, he's a fantasist. He paints a fantastic image for his devoted listeners, which they lap up. You might as well fact check the Brothers Grimm.

Currently reading this excellent book by @CliveCHamilton and @DrMyraHamilton. It is uncomfortable reading about exactly what makes privilege and how it is hard wired into Australian culture, and the role education plays. Required reading I think @JasonClareMP @pruecar @dizdarm

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